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the Holy Lives of
Virgin Mary, Santa Therezia,
Saint Rafca, Saint Charbel,
& Saint Anthony the Bedouin
Prepared and executed on powerpoint
by Charbel Yammin All Rights Reserved-
إعداد وتنفيذ شربل يمين
جميع الحقوق محفوظة - 2004
Click on the images below in order to get
the powerpoint presentations. The file sizes are big, but they are worth viewing. In order for you not to wait a lot (about 10 minutes for each
file), click on the image of the Saint whose life you would like to read
more about and, while the file uploads, browse MarTakla Church site for our
new additions.
For technical reasons, you will not be able to hear the music that comes along with each presentation. The audio file sizes are way too big (40 MB each).
إضغط على الصورة لتحصل على العرض. قد
يستغرق ذلك بعض الوقت لأن حجم الملفات كبير
Virgin Mary || السيدة العذراء
Santa Therezia & Saint Rafca
القديسة رفقا والقديسة تريزيا
Saint Charbel & Saint Anthony the Bedouin
القديس انطونيوس البدواني والقديس شربل